It was bestowed upon me by my Guru, Yogiraj Swami Bua Ji, Maharaj of Hatha Yoga.
What is Yoga?
According to Swami Bua Ji, Yoga is Thee Union of Polarities. It is the ceasing of Duaita (duality).
What is Hatha Yoga?
It is a scientific way of moving the different parts of the body. Its goals are to ensure a long, healthy life and self-realization by perfecting the body. This leads to and, indeed, requires the purification and liberation of one’s Prana, which by definition includes the elimination of all Karmic debt.
What makes Yoga as taught by Yogiraj Swami Bua Ji unique?

Swami Bua Ji gained untold experience and as a direct result, he has distilled down the vast universe of Hatha Yoga to all you need to achieve a state of optimum physical and energetic health.
Swami Bua Ji believes in trying to obtain the optimum balance between flexibility and strength. My routines, based on all Swami Ji has taught me, will challenge your body and mind in all ways. In order to meet this challenge successfully, I will help you develop your body, mind, will power and spirit using both ancient, time tested methods and cutting-edge developments.
What are the benefits of practicing Yoga regularly?
The benefits bestowed on us by a regular practice are many and varied. Yoga maintains physical, mental and emotional health. There have been many well documented scientific studies performed recently here in the West which have shown over and over again that practicing Hatha Yoga contributes to:
- Increased Strength, Flexibility and Mobility
- Improved Balance Increased Bone Density
- A greater understanding of how your Internal Energy (Prana, Qi, Ki) moves in your body
- The Optimization of our Circulatory, Immune, Endocrine and Lymphatic Systems Reduced Stress and its many symptoms
- An Increased Positive Out Look on Life
- Improved Self Discipline An overall Healthier Life Style, including lessening weight problems and eating disorders
These are just some of the many wonderful benefits that can come automatically with just the regular practice of the asanas (postures)of Hatha Yoga. You do not need to learn or practice the breathing techniques of Pranayama, the internal cleansing techniques of the Kriyas and the spiritual aspects in order for you to become healthier and stronger.
What is Pranayama?
The term Pranayama means different things to different people. To some, it means learning various forms of breathing. Others believe it is the art of controlling our internal energy. However, Swami Bua Ji taught me that to truly understand Pranayama, one must truly understand the essential nature of all things. Pranayama in its ultimate form is Union or Yoga.
Our classes are designed to help you travel whichever path you have chosen to achieve your goals.
How many kinds of Yoga do you teach?
I offer many kinds of modalities. While all of them are based on the same principles, each one has its own distinct flavor and will emphasize different aspects of your body for physical improvement.
- Hatha Yoga Classes offer all the benefits with its comprehensive routine.
- Rope Yoga Classes enable the student to push his/her limits using their own self-knowledge and feedback as their guide.
- Hindu Wrestling Exercises, Indian Clubs* and Smart Calisthenics Classes offer the student a great way to improve their flexible, functional strength using their own body weight and light props.
- Thai Yoga Sessions enable me to open up your Nadiis (energy channels) and increase your health and flexibility.
Note*: Indian Clubs are exercise tools that resemble bowling or juggling pins. Exercises utilizing Indian Clubs maybe the best available for increasing the strength and range of motion for your shoulders, rotator cuffs, forearms and wrist. They provide dynamic, functional strength and flexibility.